Search & Application optimization


User Interviews

Journey maps



Empathy map

Interaction design

Visual Design

User Flows


At Randstad Groep Nederland

Role User Experience Designer + UX Research

When November 2019 - May 2020

Target audience Higher educated people looking for a job

The problem


There are not many people in the world who enjoy the process of searching and applying for a job. Not only can it be tedious and long-winded work. There might also be some pressure: you are (soon) out of a job or don’t like where you at right now. In short: there are better and more fun things you can do with your spare time. This project is focused on the optimization of the search and application process of

There were three causes to start this project. The first one was that the design was very, very outdated (check below), and the other one was that Yacht wished to increase the application rate. After the initial research, a third reason was added: consultants hoped that the application process (from the consultants perspective) could be improved by increasing the quality of the existing vacancies


The old website


Kick-off with stakeholders



The research: Google Analytics analysis, interviews with target audience, interviews with Yacht Consultants/Recruiters & a co-creative journey mapping session with the target audience.

Some insights (which are still helpful during other projects)

  • Most people don’t immediately think of recruitment or sourcing agencies,

  • Most job websites feel impersonal and distant.

  • Most respondents had the feeling they were not highly educated enough for Yacht,

  • Application forms are too long,

  • Most companies seek unicorns,

  • Vacancies often don’t correspond with reality.

Journey based on interviews with professionals and consultants

Design solutions

Vacancy detail page

The application form

Mobile screens